Fitness Reading Travel

Memorial Day Weekend

Iā€™ve spent a lot of time on the road for work lately, but Iā€™m hunkering down and enjoying time around Anthem over the Memorial Day Weekend.Ā 

The last Music in May concert held Friday night was a perfect kick off.Ā  Hub picked up my favorite salad from Salad and Go and we enjoyed a couple of hours of music while we picnicked and soaked up the lovely summer weather.

It was nice seeing people with their own picnics, buying from the food trucks, carrying in pizza and making the most of a Friday evening.

Each year, we like to cap off the weekend by attending the ceremony at the Anthem Veteranā€™s Memorial and honoring our military.


Speaking of travel, I spent another week in Houston and trekked to Galveston one evening for an after-work run.Ā  Umm, too hot.Ā  90 degrees on the beach seemed like very unfriendly running weather, so I instead had a glass of wine and a hot pretzel and enjoyed the scenery on the patio.

Ok, I did go for a nice walk afterward.Ā  Because the weekend travel was already ramping up, there were a lot of sights to see.Ā  If you catch my drift.Ā  People will wear anything (or very little) to the beach.

The amusement park, Pleasure Pier, wasnā€™t open while I was there, but will be over the weekend.Ā  Looks super fun if youā€™re a daredevil. This is the cleanest carnival I’ve ever seen.

I did manage a good workout and and run at the beautiful hotel gym. I took a pic of the weather app on the treadmill. Look. 100% humidity. And it wasn’t raining. Need I say I totally gave up on my hair over this trip?


Walking all around the Rice University grounds made me so happy after work each day. They have had so much rain, I really had to constantly dodge flooded sidewalks, but it was worth it.

I treated myself to a mani, and the salon wall was decorated so prettily. The opposite wall had 3D butterflies.

What Iā€™m Eating

I do try to moderate when I’m on the road, but I will not lie, it’s tough. In addition to the naughty pretzel evening, I trekked to a local’s favorite for a barbecue lunch with my co-workers. The brisket sandwich was delish. I especially loved the armadillo. No, the statue, not on the menu.

A trip to Trader Joe’s this weekend is on the agenda. I’m looking forward to stocking up my favorites and maybe trying out some new foods.

What Iā€™m Reading

The Rose Code by Kate Quinn appeared on my radar for some unknown reason.  When I started it I thought, ugh, another WW2 novel and sort of too romance-ish for me.  And then.  I really liked it.  The characters were well developed and likable.  It turned into a mystery, which of course, I love instead of just a historical novel.  This is a recommend and I might be reading more of Ms. Quinn.

On audio I listened to a new-to-me author, Alex Berenson, and The Power Couple.Ā  Frankly, the only reason I selected this is because it was a thriller and it was on the ā€œavailable nowā€ list.Ā  That is not a very high bar to reach.Ā  The narrator, Steven Weber, does a good job with no questions about who is who on the characters while he is reading.Ā 

The book is sort of a Liam Neesom type of story where a 19-year-old American daughter is kidnapped in Barcelona and her powerful parents are on it.Ā  Except dear ol’ dad isn’t exactly Liam. Nice twist. Maybe not the best book Iā€™ve read, but definitely one to finish and I enjoyed it.

Ok, over and out for the weekend, hope it’s a good one! God bless you and yours and honoring those fallen.

1 Comment

  1. I’m reading the Rose Code too. I love Kate Quinn. This is a good way to catch up with you. Haven’t really seen you or hubby in way too long.
    We will try to remedy that.

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