“Simple” is my holiday mantra and enjoying holiday potpourri is about as simple as you can get and still satisfy the senses. A tiny crockpot means the stove doesn’t even have to go on and I can set it and forget it.
Remember the dried orange slices I made a couple of weeks ago? I added several of them to water in the crockpot with cinnamon sticks, cloves, a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and cranberries.
Senses satisfied: Eyes and Nose

Pandora Christmas Station
Here’s my rule about listening to Christmas music. As soon as I hear a song I listened to less than 30 minutes before, I turn it off. I want to enjoy the sounds of the season, but I get full pretty quickly.
Listening to Pandora is about as simple as it gets and changing the station is a snap.
Sense satisfied: Ears
Holiday Cookies
Our dear neighbor (and Teddy’s mom) sent us home a box of beautifully made cookies she made. Gorgeous and impressive. Coincidentally, I recently watched a YT video making those checkerboard cookies and there is no way I could have produced those. Or that biscotti.

DF Evon gifted us with a generous amount of her famous Greek cookies. These intricate cookies are not gluten free, but are somehow quickly disappearing. Along with cartons of milk. Hmmm.

These gifts are truly labors of love.
Sense satisfied: Mouth
Okay, they also smell heavenly and look adorable. Satisfying a lot of senses here!
New Workout
Almost two weeks ago I popped my bad knee in a class and had no idea what happened. It was like an electric volt went up my leg. It has slowly been healing, but not as quickly as I like so I bit the bullet and went back to my fav Physical Therapist, Dr. Jack, at Impact PT.
Looks like just spending lots of money and extra time exercising will be the cure.
Here’s one of my new exercises.
Delivery Driver Snack Basket
Have you heard of the trend to leave snacks for delivery drivers? Um, me neither. I might be a little late to the party. But once I heard about it, I couldn’t wait to jump on the bandwagon.

Hub went out and got cases of popular snacks (including those nasty Doritos which were the first to go). We filled a basket and I made a sign wishing drivers a Merry Christmas.
We bring the basket in before bed so the javalina don’t help themselves.

Of course, Roxy was very helpful putting the basket together.
I get so excited now when we get a delivery. Not because something arrived, but because I like seeing what the driver took and hoping I improved their day by the tiniest bit. It’s like getting a customer in my shop. Which I don’t have. Ha.
On a side note, I surely do hope those drivers eat all those snacks because I don’t want to.

What I’m Eating
A second refrigerator pie crust meant chicken pot pie was back on the menu this week but we didn’t have any cream of chicken soup. So I made it from scratch.

I used this recipe and for just a few ingredients and absolutely no extra time or trouble, it was much better than canned. I may never buy that glop again!
You can see here the pot pie filling turned out beautifully. And had no problem getting eaten right up.

What I’m Reading
I have a couple of good recommendations, but I want to wait until next week so this post won’t be so long.
Wrap Up
Is December going by too quickly for you? Do you want to savor the season? Or do you just want to get it over and done with?
Whichever club you’re in, I hope you’re taking a moment to enjoy the season and love on your tribe. Blessings for a wonderful weekend.
Corine, I am anxious to try that pot pie recipe snd the overhead press exercise. Sorry about your knee. I am still waiting for my podiatrist to call about my foot surgery. Can’t wait to have this procedure done so that I can move on and get back to walking and hiking again. And, walking normal again taking, so that my knee abs hip don’t hurt anymore. 😨🤪 Need to lose this added weight too!