In a moment of optimism spurred by the coolest, wettest summer we have experienced since moving to Arizona, we decided to stick our toes in the water for a fall garden kick off.
Now, we don’t have impressive garden beds and acres of land like other climes, but our love of produce keeps us trying.
The Veggies
Growing the bare necessities for salad fixings makes me drool thinking of homegrown veggies. How do I define the base requirements?
Tomatoes, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers.
The radish seeds came up in two days. If the weather does not grow too warm in the next couple of weeks, we should get some good radishes.

Full disclosure.
We seem to have a radish monster in the house and radishes rarely make it into the salad bowl. Maybe I can get to a few and save them for a meal before they mysteriously disappear.
Lettuce seeds sprouted quickly also and I’ll report back on how quickly we get leaves big enough for salads.
The cucumbers were planted earlier this summer and have pretty much struggled. But I think they made it through the heat and there is hope we get some decent cucs. We have two so far!

Hub found a couple of good-looking tomato plants, made them beautiful homes and then we watched a tomato worm get very fat stripping them down. Ugh. His job to murder those things.
The Herbs
The nursery shelves were pretty barren, but John found basil and rosemary to restart our herb garden. The basil smells so good. We are still on the hunt for parsley and thyme.

The Flowers
The flower pots need a little adjusting and we are able to start moving them around the yard instead of just under the covered patio. When I get the patio rearranged a bit and I’m happy with it, I’ll post a pic.
For now, John found some trailing vinca in various colors of pink, but we’ll be filling them in as the nursery gets more cool-weather plants.

It seems like I can never get geraniums quickly enough, but it’s still too hot for them.
John added a citronella plant hoping to add to our arsenal of mosquito-fighting weapons. Wow, those buggers love this wet weather too. We cannot even go out to water without getting attacked.

Not sure how much the plant will help but it’s kind of pretty and smells nice.
Since I love sitting on the patio when it’s not too hot, I’ve had to resort to spraying myself with Off. Dang it.
Birthday Weekend Wrap Up
DF Denisse and I celebrated her birthday with a girls’ road trip to Durango. The downtown area is so charming this time of year with potted flowers in overdrive.

This crepe cart across the street from the train station is a favorite spot of mine.
We took the Durango Narrow Gauge Train ride along the Animas River on a simply spectacular and perfect Colorado day.

John and I took this trip a few years ago and once again, it did not disappoint. Durango in the summer is firmly cemented as one of my favorite places.
Even though it was not my birthday, Denisse gifted me with this piece of art that is perfect in our powder room. How cute is this made out of rocks?

It’s so nice penning a blog post in the early morning with a cup o’ joe and counting my blessings as I reflect on my week.
May your week be filled with blessings overflowing.