There really may be no more lovely place than spring in Georgia. If it’s not raining, that is. I hate Georgia in the rain. Or the snow. Or the ice.
But. I recently visited LaGrange, Georgia and the weather was lovely and spring was sprouting out everywhere. Which is my favorite season. When it’s not blizzarding. Like it has been in Colorado. Which is where I grew up. So I have a great appreciation for a proper spring.
LaGrange is named after General Lafayette’s French estate inspired by his visit to the region. The town square has a beautiful park and fountains with his statue in the middle. My pics didn’t turn out well because of lighting.
But here is the view from my hotel and credit goes to

An aside, Lafayette was only 19 years old when he became a general. What?!
There are some incredible mansions and beautiful homes in this town. There are also blocks of shacks with their windows boarded up. Such a strong dichotomy in a small town.

The downtown area is so charming revolving around the square. Even the fleur-di-lis trashcans caught my attention.

It was not open during my stay, but I pulled into this plantation and winery. This far shot hopes to capture the length of the drive and the magnificence of the tree border. I’m sure it’s so lovely when the leaves are blossomed out.

Of course, the southern plantation style homes are in abundance, but in honor of my DF Chris – who loves art deco style – I snapped a pic of this old Coca Cola building. It is now their newspaper office. The curved window along the side is enormous and stunning.

They have a fairly new entertainment amphitheater venue with cute band art in the entry. Sorry about the dark pic, but it was after work and the sun wasn’t cooperating with me.

Near the end of the downtown area is a brewpub serving outdoors. They had fun music playing, fire pits by every table. People were mingling and children were playing. I didn’t eat there, but the sight did me good.
What I’m Reading
Oh, my. Let me tell you my tale of woe. I lost my Kindle. Not on the plane, not in the hotel, not in the rental car. It was the very lowest part of my trip to Georgia.
I have ordered another from Unclaimed Baggage. In the meantime, I downloaded Station Eleven on my old Kindle. And guess what? I’ve already read the book. Dang, how many times am I going to do that?
So I’ve read nothing this week.
But, I’m listening to Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury. True story, my first two cats, Misty and Stormy, were named from a line in Something Wicked This Way Comes by Bradbury. I don’t think I’ve read anything of his since. Hmmm 40 years?
Well, why not, you ask? I don’t know because I am loving this audiobook!
More on that on my next post when I’ve completed it.
What I’m Eating
Oh, the biggest bunch of sugar you can imagine. I even *gasp* went to the Ice Queen ice cream shop in LaGrange and got some huge concoction they roll out on a cold surface and top with an Oreo. I ate the whole thing.

This week I’m drying out from sugar and my joints are already thanking me.
Thanks for taking a business trip with me a sharing my interest in architecture and history. Sending love and blessings.
what fun travels you have….sorry about your Kindle…miss you
Thanks for the picture of the beautiful Art Deco Coca Cola building. . Sounds like your enjoying your work travel again. 😀