Waking Up With Fall

Are you enjoying fall where you are?  It seems to be everyone’s favorite season.  And while I won’t claim it for myself, I will share my fall morning routine.  In other words, waking up with fall. I like waking up all my senses and this is how. Open It The mornings are finally crisp.  It’s […]

October 2024 Potpourri

A potpourri post is where I sit at my keyboard with a cup o’ joe and chat about this and that. Pour yourself a little drink and join me, won’t you? The ides of October have arrived and there is no denying the holidays are upon us.  Every year I think, “How can this have […]


Hello, friends! My site was down for a week, but I’m back up (thank you, dearest Pete). This is just a quick note to let you know I’ll have a Saturday post and will be back on my regular schedule. If you love these vintage cowgirl prints as much as I do, you can see […]

Hacks to Avoid Pain

Disclaimer – I am not a doctor or a physical therapist or a hair stylist.  I am no sort of professional.  But.  I do like to avoid pain when I can.  So while I’m not giving any medical advice, I have found a few hacks that help me avoid pain.  Here are some of them. […]

Colorado Mountain House Tour

In an effort to be the perfect guest, and to get invited to return, I spent the morning cleaning my sister Susie’s Colorado mountain house and thought you might like a tour. So come along with me as I vacuum and dust (full disclosure, hub did most of the vacuuming) and I’ll give you a […]

Road Trip Lunch and Snacks

Well.  Here we are prepping to hit the road again.  And since we live in Arizona, any road trip means an extended drive through desolation. Homemade lunch and snacks are the only way to go.  That means we won’t be forced to make bad food choices and we have satisfied tummies. Massimo Electric Cooler Hub […]

End of Summer Fun

The dog days of summer are indeed upon us.  But if you’re like me, you’ll still find fun to be had at the end of summer. Many schools are back in session and family activities are winding down.  Crowds are thinning out. And the weather might be perfect to get outdoors for summer fun. Here […]

Memorial Day Weekend

The first of the summer patriotic holidays is this weekend.  Okay, Memorial Day, where did you come from all of a sudden? It seems as if we were just complaining about the cold, wet winter and now?  Boom!  Summer has arrived. Memorial Day weekend arrives amidst such a flurry of activities with graduations, school release, […]

April 2024 Wrap Up

Last post of April!  This has been a whirlwind month starting off with our vacation to Hawaii and it feels like it’s been nonstop since. Now, we’re here to wrap up April 2024 and this is what went on over the weekend. Lather If you don’t have a Lather store near you, they have a […]

Early March Weekly Wrap Up

This week seemed like equal time in the kitchen and outdoors.  I can tell you what I prefer.  Zero time in the kitchen.  But.  Darn it, I like to eat. Nothing earth shattering to report, but here is how we spent our early March week. Bringing a little outdoors into my kitchen, Traders has daffodils!  […]