
Cleaning Nooks & Crannies

The dog days of summer are certainly not the days to be considering anything as earth-shaking as deep cleaning.

But it can be a good time to dive in to clean the nooks and crannies that might not get addressed in your regular chores.

If you need some motivation to get into some small, but productive chores, come along with me as I address some of these spaces.Ā 

Here is a fun fact about me that you might have already figured out.  Iā€™m lazy.  As in Iā€™d rather spend a summer day with a book than tackling any cleaning projects.

But.Ā  The crazy little critter that lives in my brain wonā€™t let me rest until Iā€™ve done something.

Iā€™m not tackling anything big enough to break a sweat and Iā€™m staying indoors with the AC going.Ā  In fact, none of these tasks even require a pair of rubber gloves.Ā  Or takes more than just a few minutes.

Those outdoor chores can wait for another day.

And Iā€™m keeping my brain satisfied that Iā€™ve accomplished a tidying-up goal!

Remote Controls

This is just a bit embarrassing, but some of our remotes are grimy! A microfiber cloth and some alcohol did a great job getting the dirt off quickly.

It’s nice to have some QTips on hand to get down into some of the small spaces if necessary.

This picture is a pile of remotes from one small room – our family room. So helpful hint. Corral your remotes one room at a time so the remotes all end up back where they belong and you’re not turning on and off random things.

Kitchen Cupboards

This is not the time to be dragging everything out and deep cleaning cupboards.Ā  But, ahem, I did notice a few (!) crumbs and whatnot under the sliding racks in our lower cabinets.

We simply got out the skinny vac attachment and finished up in about 2 minutes.

Window Sills & Tracks

Every single time I think Iā€™m going to cheat and not address window sills or sliding door tracks, I open blinds and see a dead fly or some other choice material.

Ugh.Ā  Okay, not a big hands and knees job, but I did take the vac nozzle and give all the sills and tracks a quick suck up.

Light Switches & Door Knobs

High traffic doors like bathrooms get wiped down when the bathroom gets cleaned, but I like to take a couple Clorox or Lysol wipes and give all the switches and knobs a swipe.

I have no idea how truly effective the wipes are at killing germs, but I know those areas get touched a lot.

While Iā€™m at it, I wipe off all the keys and car remotes.  I cannot even imagine how dirty those get.

Washing Machine

Hub bought these cleaning pods from Amazon and we run a cleaning load every few weeks in our washing machine.

Running the washing machine takes longer than two minutes, but throwing a pod in only takes a few seconds.

What Iā€™m Reading

Since Iā€™ve shared some of my lazy-day cleaning tasks, I thought I could also share a book that Iā€™ve been able to enjoy.

The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson is a psychological novel along the lines of Patricia Highsmith’s work.Ā  This book could have been just a bit more fun, in a very nasty way, if it didnā€™t have so many twists at the end.

Itā€™s a dark one, but Iā€™ll be reading Swanson again.

Wrap Up

Thank you for joining me this week and I hope itā€™s as motivating for you as it is for me to take a bite of a chore instead of tackling the whole whale.

God bless you and yours for a wonderful week.