
Trash Day

Do you get as excited about trash day as I do?  Truly, it’s my second favorite day.  Right behind sheet laundry day.

If you’re thinking, hmmm, the woman went over the edge on this one, sit back and consider how you might make trash day both productive and enjoyable.

Okay, maybe the process isn’t too enjoyable, but the result you will love.  I promise.

Clean it Out

Trash day is an excuse for mini-decluttering.  If it takes just a few minutes, I’ll look for things to fill up the trash can. 

A makeup item I no longer use.  Are those matte lipsticks still in?  I don’t think so. 

And the fridge. 

An excellent time to check the produce and toss the leftovers that got looked over.

And that leads to wiping off the fridge shelves.  And putting leftovers down the disposal leads to scouring out the sink.

Do you now see why trash day becomes such a production?  How do people have time to go to actual jobs?

Service the Can Cabinet

We have two cans in our kitchen and although there really isn’t any recycling done by the waste company we still separate the trash for some crazy reason.

Trash day is a great time to pull out the cans, give them a squirt with Dawn and hose them out.  We are so lucky the temperatures are stinkin’ hot so the cans just take a minute to dry outside.

This is also the day I restock extra bags in the bottom of the can so it’s easy to put a new liner in when we remove a full one.

If you have trouble with your bags slipping down with heavy trash, using a binder clip over the edge of the can is pretty stable and helps alleviate a possible mess.

And another question while we’re at it. Why do trash cans cost so much? We use this one from The Container Store and it’s really sturdy and not expensive. But those large stainless ones? They are expensive!


I love to vacuum on Mondays (and many other days) and get that dust and cat hair and other detritus out the door.

Let me clarify.  I don’t love to vac, I love to have clean floors.  Ummkay? 

And since the vacuum is out and since the trash cupboard is empty, let’s just give that a little love too.  How do we miss the cans so often?

Not every single trash day, but frequently, I disassemble the vacuum and hose out the parts that can get wet.

Isn’t it gross using a vacuum that you know is dirty?

Wrap Up

You are so good to me.  I cannot believe you even spend trash day with me.  If this blog gets any less sexy I’ll be sure to lose every last friend I have.

However, since trash day is something we all experience, maybe you have some tips and tricks to share with the rest of us.

I hope you’re enjoying this autumn season and we’ll catch you over the weekend.

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