Light Cleaning Day

If you need some motivation for a light cleaning day, come with me as I spend an hour or so doing a maintenance day. Every other week, I do what I call light cleaning, meaning the bare minimum.  Here is what I tackle and what I skip. Kitchen The kitchen is the big time commitment […]

California Road Trip

We packed up Big Red for another road trip last week.  This time we took a trip to California for hub’s family reunion. The trip to the Bay Area from Phoenix Metro is a long ol’ drive.  But three generations of Lulis men had the opportunity to love on their family thanks to John’s sister […]

Spring Cleaning Chores

The indoor spring cleaning chores seems like a joy compared to what is coming this week.  It’s true.  This week’s spring cleaning chores take me out of the house and into the garage and onto the patio. Grab your ibuprofen and join me, won’t you? Fire Pit Chair Cushions We have toyed with replacing our […]