Road Trip Lunch and Snacks

Well.  Here we are prepping to hit the road again.  And since we live in Arizona, any road trip means an extended drive through desolation. Homemade lunch and snacks are the only way to go.  That means we wonā€™t be forced to make bad food choices and we have satisfied tummies. Massimo Electric Cooler Hub […]

A Little Summer Travel

The blessing of visiting family, friends and new places came our way and today Iā€™m sharing a little summer travel.Ā  Iā€™ll try not to bore you with all the details like a travelogue, but here is a bit of what we did early on this season. There was a lot of fun hanging around home […]

Getting Back on Track

We are just back from a two-week road trip, and I cannot lie, we spent a lot of downtime over the weekend recovering.  We had such a wonderful time seeing family and friends and enjoying beautiful scenery.  My usual routine of halfway-healthy eating and exercising regularly was severely compromised.  Excuse #1 on eating: One thing […]