Fitness Home Organization


Just in case you’re not sure what rebounding is, please be assured that it is exercise.  I’m not referring to rebounding like when someone chooses an inappropriate relationship partner due to a bad break up. 

Nothing like that.

I have long been intrigued with small trampoline exercise routines, known as rebounding.  Fitness experts rave about the benefits, especially for those who want aerobic exercise without joint impact.

High impact exercise has always been my first love, but it no longer loves me back.  In order to get a good cardio workout, I have to either walk forever (which is not a bad thing) or participate in exercise I don’t enjoy.

At the end of the day, I haven’t had a great cardio workout in a really long time.

Until now.

I purchased a rebounder during Amazon Prime Day and have been spending time getting used to bouncing off the ground.

Admittedly, it’s a bit intimidating to be bouncing and moving around on a small surface 10 inches off the ground.  Let’s just say I’m taking it slowly.

There are a ton of great YouTube videos with a variety of exercises I find fun and challenging.  Supposedly ten minutes on the rebounder provides the same benefit as 30 minutes running. 

I’ll take that.

Now the new rebounder needs a place to live.  Not sure if it’ll fit under the bed, but once it goes under there I might never take it back out.

So here’s what I did. 

I turned the back bedroom (which used to be my office) into a workout room.

It was kind of exciting, because I have been doing my mini organizing projects and I turned this into one by cleaning out several areas.

There was different exercise equipment in different rooms according to where I would use each item.  I pulled them all out of their nooks and crannies and made a little space in the bedroom for them.

An underutilized bookshelf was repurposed into a weight rack and storage for mats, towels, and bands.  Hooks that were hidden in my closet reappeared in this room for hanging PT bands and stretching straps.

My beloved stability ball now lives in that space and I’m more apt to use it than when it was tucked into the closet corner.

This is a double win in my book.  A new and enjoyable workout routine and a few more spots with less in them.

I’ll be checking back in after a few weeks to report improved function of all body parts and no broken bones.

Wrap Up

Is this the last weekend of July?  Stores are pushing Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas down our throats already.  No!  I’m just enjoying summer and being right here with you.

Fun plans this weekend?  Travel?  Projects?  Let us know.

2 Comment

  1. You’ve inspired me! I’ve been wanting to get a rebounder for quite some time now. I’m envious of your home gym, too!

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