After spending many years in the corporate world, I have transitioned to retirement and I am hoping to reconnect with my creative side. This chapter of my journey is learning how to deal with an increase in time, and of course, a big decrease in money.

I am looking forward to the excitement and growth of something new, while trying to manage the stress and anxiety change brings.
I like to work and like the mental and social stimulation that automatically provided. Now I am finding myself searching for ways to keep motivated.
Some of the issues I hope to explore are:
- Rebuilding my sense of identity
- Finding balance in the activities I am choosing
- Focusing on how I can encourage others
- Keeping in touch with my support system
So I’m kicking off my blog to share some of the tips I intend to use and to keep learning as I go along. But first, a little check in to see what’s happened so far this year!
Between a landmark birthday and retirement, this year has been a series of celebrations. A group of friends from Reno came to party in Phoenix at the end of February and we had snow! That was really unexpected and sort of set the stage for the wet, cool spring we enjoyed. We managed to bundle up and had high tea at the English Rose in Cave Creek. But our favorite activity of the long weekend was the Partridge Family PJ dance party. Girls only, a great dance mix and so much fun.

Another group of girlfriends celebrated with me in April in Cottonwood, Arizona, with wineries, champagne, hiking and a beautiful penthouse room in the Tavern Hotel.
A final celebration was a cruise starting in San Diego, visiting ports in Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Victoria and Vancouver. (More on some of that trip when I chat about travel.)

All that partying set the stage for a Dry Month – a health initiative which started in the UK. Here is NPR’s article. I didn’t lose weight or sleep better like many who participated in Dry January, but I did try out some healthy mocktails and enjoyed the homemade cranberry cordial my sister Monique made.

Here is the recipe from Batched and Bottled:
Add to a Kilner jar:
- One package frozen cranberries
- 20 oz water
- 3/4 tsp champagne yeast
Cover with a tea towel for maximum one week, checking every couple days. If it smells like vinegar, it’s done. It’ll get a little fizzy.
After a week, strain out the cranberries and weigh how much liquid is left. Add 60% of the weight in sugar. Stir it up and add 0.5% citric acid, or more if you like it mega tart.
Then mix with San Pelligrino and enjoy on the veranda.
I have some fun posts coming up this summer and look forward to sharing with you.
Corine!! I am so excited to see what transpires in this phase of your life! The blog is a GREAT idea…we all can learn with you along the way!
Corine, I am looking forward to following your blog. Your journey going forward especially finding your identity, it will be interesting to see where this takes you, Thanks for that recipe. Where does John fit in? 😆You always have my support, you know that. This encourages me to start a blog on my journey the last 5 years? With Your sisters help. 🤗
This is my favorite kind of kickoff! One that talks about drinks and food and something I made. A hint for your readers: you can add a splash of vodka and a squeeze of lime to that cordial and make a very nice cape codder.
You’re doing a great job at — Focusing on how I can encourage others — Thanks for your incredible friendship!