As very patriotic Americans, we all know the 4th of July is about hotdogs, potato chips, and fireworks, right? Really, is there anything else we would want to know? Any questions about why the rest of world wants to live here? Ok, let’s not get into that right now.
I love reading history and visiting historical places. Many, many years ago I visited Independence Hall in Philadelphia. In April. Not in July. I can only imagine what my buddy Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers must have felt like all decked out in the formal clothes they wore back then signing the Declaration of Independence on July 4th. I really don’t know what the weather was like 7/4/1776, but this year it is slated to be 93 degrees with 53% humidity. I’m no stranger to heat, but I have A/C, wear very few clothes and experience low humidity – all things the folks at the signing couldn’t enjoy.
If I would have been on the congressional team, I would have ratified that puppy too. Let’s get our “John Hancock” down, get out of the Pennsylvania State House and head to the Jersey Shore.
Lucky for all of us, physical comfort didn’t seem to be the predominating thought, and that declaration, with no opposing votes, passed.
Independence Day didn’t become a national holiday for almost 100 years – passing through Congress in 1870.
And now, thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda and his success with Hamilton, we all got a little history refresher along with some catchy tunes. An aside, Hamilton was not a signer of the document, but is still considered a founding father. Hamilton, the book, was written by Ron Chernow, and I am currently listening to the audiobook, Washington: A Life also by Chernow. He writes an excellent history and provides good commentary. So if you’re feeling the need to satisfy some curiosity this season, I do recommend it.
Here in Anthem, Arizona, we celebrate on July 3rd, which is great when it falls on a week day, so nobody has to get up early and go to work after staying up late and watching fireworks. There is really nothing better than being in a small town and celebrating our country.

My husband and sister, Monique, are always both on the hunt for the perfect homemade ice cream recipe, and I believe they found it. Delish! Here is the recipe for a Gelato Master recipe:
Gelato Master
- 4 large egg yolks
- 3⁄4 cup sugar
- 2 cups milk
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 3⁄4 tsp. kosher salt
- In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until well combined. Whisk in the milk, cream, and salt until combined.
- Set the saucepan over medium heat and cook, whisking frequently, until a thermometer inserted into the mixture reads 170°. ADD MIX-INS HERE.
- Set a fine strainer over an airtight container and pour the mixture through. Cover and refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days (this helps cooked custard bases achieve a stable consistency).
- In the bowl of an ice cream maker, churn the mixture according to the manufacturer’s directions until it’s firm and billowy, and a spoon dragged across the top leaves a lasting impression, about 30 minutes. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze until hardened, at least 4-5 hours. Later on, if it’s too firm, thaw it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes before scooping and serving. For best results, eat within 2 days of freezing.
For strawberry they puréed one quart of super ripe strawberries with 1/2 cup sugar and mixed it in at the end of step two.
One last semi-related comment. Do you like to sit around on summer evenings telling ghost stories? Next blog post I’m going to share some scary books and tell you my true encounter with someone otherworldly at Monticello – TJ’s ghost?
Happy Fourth!
Happy 4th of July, My Friend!
Happy and safe Fourth!