Cleaning Reading

Fall Deep Cleaning

Spring kind of came and went. And deep spring-cleaning never happened in our house.Ā  Nor did it the year before.Ā  So, being motivated (and excited!) by dear SIL and BILā€™s visit next month, I dug in and did some fall deep cleaning.

ā€œTidyā€ is really my middle name.Ā  I hate clutter.Ā  And the biggest problem with deep cleaning is that everything has to come out from its hidey hole and it clutters everything up until it is put back away.

Oh.  And I hate the backache too.

But it is a good time to go through things, see where dead bugs may have found a final resting place, and donate what is no longer needed.  It feels good to get some of this done.

I hope this post isnā€™t too boring and help motivates you to get into your corners and banish the dust bunnies too.


This was the big job in the house.  Hub brought in a big ladder (which I am totally against getting on!) and I cleaned the tops of all the cabinets and dusted the art work above the cupboards.  I really hate this job and do it as little as I feel like I can get away with.

All the drawers and cabinets were emptied, vacuumed, wiped down and reorganized.  Surprisingly I was able to get a couple of good-sized boxes filled with donations.

Iā€™m sure weā€™ll be looking for that waffle iron again in a few years.  Oh yeah, we donated it.

Organizing bins are mishmash.  There are some nice bins from The Container Store, hand-me-down bins from Barbā€™s last big move and some really, really old organizers that came from who-knows-where.

Check this room off the list!

Guest Room

Our son, Ryan, uses this room when he stays here (usually housesitting) so it gets used pretty frequently and I like to keep it functional for him and other guests.  But.  Really, the closet had become quite a catchall recently.  That had to be addressed before our visit next month. 

Everything is now out of there and weā€™re basically ready to go.


Hub and I pulled out furniture in several rooms and vacuumed and cleaned the floors.Ā  There is still some to do, but we’ll get to it.

In my office, what is normally a pencil drawer somehow became a junk drawer and that got emptied, vacuumed and reorganized.

Do you have a junk drawer?  I make a concerted effort NOT to have one.  Rather to have dedicated cubbies for everything.  Except we still have a junk closet.  No matter what, I cannot keep on top of that closet.  Itā€™s like the black hole of Calcutta.  No offense to anyone from Calcutta, of course.

Suggestions on a solution for that area?


Our dear Amanda at the club organized a series of events for National Womenā€™s Health & Fitness Day.Ā  I have never even heard of that day.Ā  But you know, thereā€™s a day every day for something, right?

In any case, it started with 6:00 am. Sunrise yoga poolside.  Followed by mimosas.  Yes, best class ever!  Followed after that by a sweet gift.

Workout buddy Sherry showed off her warrior for us.

You Glow Girl was a special water class at 5:30 p.m. and I went back to the club for that.  But a dang surprise thunderstorm came in and the lightning chased us out after half an hour. 

Such a good day and many thanks to Amanda and her fantastic team.  I truly love that place.

What Iā€™m Reading

As you can imagine with all the gym time and cleaning time, reading took a back burner this week.Ā  I did squeeze in an Orphan X.Ā  Prodigal Son by Gregg Hurwitz was just as good as the others I love so much and Iā€™m still recommending this series.

Wrap Up

Phew, busy week and Iā€™m thankful for a few minutes to sit down and write this post.  Can you believe September is over and weā€™re looking at October?  I know Iā€™m like a broken record, but where does the time go?

Blessings on you and yours for a great weekend and catch ya next week.

1 Comment

  1. I want to know how you get John to help in the cleaning projects? I canā€™t get Bob to do any cleaning. šŸ™„

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