Monday Clean Up and the Power Washer

Who’s with me that Monday can be the most challenging (and sometimes dreaded) day of the week?  On the other hand, it can be a day of productivity, promise and possibilities. This is quite crazy to admit, but one reason I like Monday is because it’s trash day!  I like to spend a little time […]

Al Fresco Dining Set Up in 15 Minutes

Al fresco dining sounds so fancy, but for me it’s the most casual and friendly way to enjoy friends and family around the table. We use our patio quite a lot, but there is still some prep work involved in taking the party outdoors.  I think I have it down to a science and can […]

Budget Patio Refresh

This time of year we would like to continue using our patio, but we need to refresh things a bit so it’s workable in the high heat. In addition to that, my patio stuff was looking a bit tired, if not downright shabby and I want a little spruce up. It always amazes me how […]