I don’t hear many people talking about shopping at Aldi. And we don’t go as frequently as I’d like because our nearest location is not too convenient.
And they don’t have every single thing we need.
But what they have is excellent and I want to share our latest Aldi run.
Prepackaged Meals
Aldi has a good selection of freshly prepared packaged meals in the produce section of the store. The packages contain entrees serving three or four. They also have pizzas in this section.

Hub chose the BBQ pork burnt ends. I think he got two or three meals out of it and it was so convenient to heat up a meal without planning, preparation and cooking.
Great choice for a family of one.
In the cheese section, there are also a number of packages of snacks with really nice ingredients like cheese and nuts, meat sticks and nice chocolates.
I thought these would be a nice treat to bring on a hiking trip or a picnic.

The produce selection is A+ offering the same brands Costco and Sprouts sell. For often less money. I picked up a few limes for 33 cents each (far less than Safeway) and cukes are selling for 59 cents. A container of yummy Driscoll strawberries is $2.50 which I think might be an average price.
Quality is excellent.
Brilliantly marketed is a charcuterie section. Fancy jarred jams, olives, fruits, crackers, nuts are offered at fair prices. And it gets the creative juices flowing for awesome charcuterie presentations.

Non Food Items
Aldi carries a lot of hidden nuggets in their specialty aisle. They have dupes of expensive items and other great little finds.
We heard about a $25 space heater and thought it would be perfect to go into hub’s newly updated man cave. Stock tends to be low in this section but we were able to find it in our store and for the one day it was cool, it worked great.

Winter is long so I know he’ll have a chance to use it plenty coming soon.
Anthem Health & Wellness Club
For locals, Deb’s November 20th club meeting is featuring Al Morentin speaking about CBD and his personal eyesight journey.
As we age, eyesight maladies become an unfortunate issue and this topic promises to be of real interest.
As always, this meeting is no charge but registration is requested.

In Memoriam
Our beloved community lost two precious souls recently.
DF Evon lost Cady and everyone who knew her is heartbroken. A sweeter pup never walked this earth.
She had a little soft collar in this picture so she wouldn’t aggravate her owie.

My sister Susie lost my kitty nephew Murphy. Murphy was always the life of the party at our family get-togethers. He didn’t have a shy bone in his body and our entire family loved him so much.
Here is a pic I snapped during our August visit when he was exercising with Monique and me.

Both of these fur angels were on the young side and their losses were unexpected and shocking.
My heart aches, but my life is better for having known them.
Wrap Up
I don’t want to leave this on a sad note, so I’m going to cheer us all up now.
I’m not exactly sure how to do that.
Thank you so much for joining me and sharing this crazy journey. Prayers up for a good week ahead.